Monday, 31 August 2009

Princess Leia REST in PEACE May1999-Aug 2090

My lovely Girl died on Saturday 29 August 2009 - she was everything a dog should be, and I miss her so so much.

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Dad has retired

or so he says...........He immediatelty went on holiday with ALL the family EXCEPT me. Typical, but I hope he brings me some nice French food back.

Thursday, 30 April 2009

Dad has been very lazy

but he is very happy to have found a photo of me and the Young Master just after I arrived in my Happy Hampton Home.

Monday, 2 March 2009


Dad went off to Hull Last week - he callis it something strange - Metropolis of the North - whatever that means. He didn't take me or even Mum, but went on the train. He said he wants to go again and take me. Ha ha I think he has another dog there....

He said as an afterthought that Lady Woodhouse has some connection with the place, but he thinks that lives in Ferriby or somewhere posh like that

woof woof!!

Thursday, 5 February 2009

LMN's Birthday

Nu Nu forgot to remind Dad that it is LMN's birthday today, as he wanted to send her a special message. However I can do it for him!

Monday, 2 February 2009

More Snow

Dad took a video of me!!!
Isn't he clever my dad.


Dad was off work today - Monday 2 February - and we went for our usual walk. This time is was great fun because no-one had been in the Park [my 2nd garden] before I got there, so there were no footprints to walk in.

I had a great time jumping and running around; then we went out again to post a letter and there were lots of other ankle biters around, so I had great fun as you can see.

My friend NuNu Thunder was a bit scared but I have written her a letter and I'm sure she will get some extra special food tonight.

Woof Woof

Monday, 19 January 2009

I'm Nice

Someone told Dad to day the I was 'nice'. Hewasn't very pleased since the comparison was with a boxer. They are silly dogs rude and intemperate, and badly behaved - unlike me.
Dad has some tale about Little Miss Naughty and a new dress for me. I don't know what he is on about but will soon find out.

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Dad and Me at Christmas

Despite the fact that the ankle-biters and their friends came round, including a very posh dog belonging to my niece [she is County-set and called Purdy]. My dad really only had time for me and we sat under the Christmas tree all night; me eating bones and him drinking whisky.

Monday, 5 January 2009

Oh Dear New Year

and sadly my dad hasn't writtne anything about the WONDERFUL time we have all had over Christmas and the holidays. I'm going to have a bite of his leg tonight