Monday, 19 January 2009

I'm Nice

Someone told Dad to day the I was 'nice'. Hewasn't very pleased since the comparison was with a boxer. They are silly dogs rude and intemperate, and badly behaved - unlike me.
Dad has some tale about Little Miss Naughty and a new dress for me. I don't know what he is on about but will soon find out.

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Dad and Me at Christmas

Despite the fact that the ankle-biters and their friends came round, including a very posh dog belonging to my niece [she is County-set and called Purdy]. My dad really only had time for me and we sat under the Christmas tree all night; me eating bones and him drinking whisky.

Monday, 5 January 2009

Oh Dear New Year

and sadly my dad hasn't writtne anything about the WONDERFUL time we have all had over Christmas and the holidays. I'm going to have a bite of his leg tonight